5 Ways to Support other Women

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating anyone who identifies as a woman. 

The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s visibility, inclusivity, and equality. 

 To honor this day, I’ve put together a list of 5 ways we can support other women. You’ll notice that you’re already doing some, if not all of these things because it’s in your inherent nature. Studies show that compassion and benevolence are an evolved part of human nature, rooted in our brain and biology, and ready to be cultivated for the greater good.

Further, studies have found that when people perform behaviors associated with compassionate love—warm smiles, friendly hand gestures, affirmative forward leans—their bodies produce more of the bonding hormone oxytocin. This suggests compassion may be self-perpetuating: Being compassionate causes a chemical reaction in the body that motivates us to be even more compassionate.

 Compassion can become addictive. And that’s an addiction that I can get behind.

5 Ways to Support Other Women

Source link: https://www.drlanawellness.com/new-blog/2021/3/7/international-womens-day-support-other-women by Lana Butner at www.drlanawellness.com