The best offense is a good defense when it comes to achieving a strong immune system.
Getting sick during the autumn months can feel inevitable, and like a simple fact of life, we start to feel as those we must learn to accept that this dip in immunity comes with this transitional season. But the truth is, there are a few key steps we can take to help us to stay healthy and immune to the office cold or school flu.
By thinking ahead and prepping accordingly, you and your entire family can get a leg up on your immune system and outsmart the pitfalls of getting sick.
Here are seven natural ways to boost your immunity this Fall.
Listen to Your Body
The first and most important tip is to pay attention to when your body begins to feel run down. Don’t ignore your internal cues, which can range from feeling tired and being more easily irritable to having difficulty regulating your temperature, experiencing itchiness in your throat or behind your ears, becoming easily winded or experiencing a change in appetite or cravings.
Get that bit of extra rest or TLC! Our immune system is directly connected to our 24-hour circadian rhythm. Our sleep-wake cycle is part of this system and is regulated mostly by the presence of dark and light. While our body is resting, the immune system cells can focus all efforts and energy on a strong attack against viruses and bacteria. If we ignore our circadian clock, eventually, our health becomes compromised because the body couldn’t regenerate and heal. So make sure to clock in the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Cook with bone broth
Bone broth provides a wealth of nutrients that are easy to digest and are known to rebuild and rejuvenate the system while facilitating healing in even the most complicated of cases. It contains both anti-inflammatory and gut-healing proteins, offers healthy fats for rebuilding strength, and includes highly bioavailable minerals that are the building blocks for immunity.
Start your day with a fresh mug of warm lemon water.
Starting each morning sipping on this powerful immune system combination can not only help alkalize our bodies and cleanse it of toxins, but it offers an extra hit of vitamin C that’s essential for staying bright and healthy.
Take the “almighty” ginger shot.
Whether you’ve come down with the latest bug or want to add a boost to your daily detox, immunity shots provide a concentrated dose of anti-inflammatory, immunity-boosting ingredients that fight the effects of everything from hangovers to the start of a cold. Take a ginger shot at the first sign of an immunity slump.
Find some time to be in the sun
Vitamin D is a primary source of fuel for our white blood cells, which are our body’s first line of defense against pathogens and microbes, whether they are fighting bacteria, virus or fungus. Therefore to prevent illness, we should definitely stock up on Vitamin D supplements in preparation for the cooler months. Our bodies have the innate capacity to synthesize vitamin D from our skin’s direct exposure to sunlight, but not nearly enough for optimal health. D is especially critical during the winter months and for those living at higher latitudes (more northern cities) that do not get as much sunlight hours, especially as we start spending more time indoors. It is recommended to test your vitamin D levels prior to supplementing..
Add Vitamin C to your diet
Vitamin C might seem like a played out immunity tip, but it’s power simply can not be underestimated! Vitamin C is essential for strong immunity. As a critical antioxidant utilized for preventing damage to our organs and glands and skin, we benefit from Vitamin C not only by taking it as a supplement but even more so by incorporating it into our diet on a daily basis.
Vitamin C is found in the obvious places such as citrus fruits (grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes), but another and even a more well-rounded source, is in the form of dark leafy vegetables. Turnip greens and Swiss chard are at the top of the list of veggies that pack the most punch of Vitamin C.
When supplementing, taking Vitamin C in the “liposomal” form is the most bioavailable (readily absorbable) for your body’s uptake and assimilation into your cells! Liposomal products essentially have a protective barrier around the desired nutrient, that does not allow it to be affected or broken down by the hydrochloric acid in our stomachs. This allows the desired nutrient/supplement/vitamin to arrive unfazed and intact to the targeted tissues.
Check out a bundle of Dr. Lana’s favorite immunity supplements here.
Garlic is your friend.
We know munching on garlic doesn’t sound like the most pleasant immune tip; however, its potent antimicrobial, antibiotic and antiviral powers make it a must-have during the autumn months. This remedy is as old-fashioned and powerful as it gets: although it seems extreme, eating a raw knob of garlic can knock out even the most stubborn colds. For colds and cases of flu, it also provides decongestant and expectorant effects, allowing for the breakdown and expulsion of stubborn mucus. Garlic, in addition to Vitamin C and a slew of enzymes and minerals such as sulfur and selenium help boost immunity and kill cold bugs before they get cozy and start to wreak havoc on your health.
We hope these tips get you through another eventful fall season with a supercharged immunity. Autumn is all about new beginnings, so keep thriving and set your goals and intentions for this new exciting transitional period.
Source link: by Lana Butner at