Do I Need a Cleanse? Most Likely, Yes!

There are many ways to cleanse and detox. Three healthy detox methods that you can do from home are juice cleansing, blended cleansing, and food-based cleansing. 

Tips For an Effective Cleanse


This means removing all processed foods, caffeine, cigarettes, recreational drugs, sugar, dairy, and gluten from your diet. By doing a pre-cleanse, you set your body up for a much more enjoyable cleansing experience. By removing these irritants, your body begins to cleanse naturally and gently, so when you start your cleanse of choice, you’ll be ready to move out the deeper toxins.


As in poop. Consider doing enemas or colonics throughout your cleanse. This often turns people off, but hear me out: With some cleanses, you may be consuming less. This means you may not be getting much fiber to help flush toxins.  If you don’t do colonics or enemas during a cleanse, you run the risk of backing up the system, which may lead to breakouts, headaches, and bloating, and an overall less effective cleanse.


Cleansing is all about elimination, and the more you can support your body to eliminate healthily, the better. By giving toxins easy “escapes,” you can minimize unpleasant detox symptoms. To get the most out of your cleanse, try using these supportive methods: sauna, dry brushing, magnesium soak, baking soda soak, lymphatic massage, colonics (as mentioned), and hot and cold hydrotherapy treatments.


As with anything challenging, cleansing requires commitment. Make time and space in your life so you can follow through with your cleansing goals and enjoy the benefits.


This is incredibly helpful. You can support each other and hold each other accountable during the challenging moments.

Before embarking on a cleanse it is best to speak to a professional.  Remember to listen to your body. Each one of us has our own unique body constitution. For additional, detailed guidance, meal plans, or specific protocols, email INFO@DRLANAWELLNESS.COM .

Source link: by Lana Butner at