The Health Benefits of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is trending right now and can be found all over the place with claims of superfood health benefits. So what exactly IS chlorophyll and why do we need it in our lives? Here we break down all the health benefits of adding this powerful plant compound into your daily life and routine.

We all remember growing up and hearing “remember to eat your greens!” It’s a natural rule of thumb for living a healthy life. Why are green vegetables specifically in the spotlight for us to maintain in our diet? That’s because dark leafy greens contain chlorophyll, which is the pigment responsible for photosynthesis, or is the process of  how plants absorb light to use it as energy. You may remember this term from your middle school science class days, and are wondering how it has come full circle to reading about it at this very moment. Due to its vibrant, rich hue, it is also chalk full of vitamins and antioxidants essential for mitochondrial health and has many healing properties for the body, which can be extremely beneficial in our diet!

We can obtain chlorophyll naturally from dark leafy greens, such as spinach, broccoli, kale, mustard greens arugula, alfalfa, matcha, pistachio, parsley, basil, wheatgrass and spirulina, but these may not always be optimally absorbed throughout the digestion process. Chlorophyll is fat-soluble, which adds in another step for our body to absorb properly (ie: eat greens with fats like olive oil or ghee). Chlorophyllin, the supplemental form, is the water soluble form of chlorophyll that can be readily absorbed by the body. This is why supplementing chlorophyll in the diet, whether it be in capsule or liquid form, is essential to obtain all of it’s powerful benefits.

The Antioxidant Powers of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is commonly known as a superfood due to its high nutritional and potent antioxidant properties. These antioxidant properties make chlorophyll a great source of essential vitamins and powerful nutrients that reduce oxidative stress and free radicals in the body. This means that chlorophyll is able to bind to toxins and inhibit them from being absorbed elsewhere in the body. As it helps to increase oxygen in the body, chlorophyll promotes a healthy blood flow and aids the lymphatic system in removing harmful toxins, thereby purifying the blood. This green pigment also plays a role in stimulating bone marrow, which produces white blood cells that protect us from foreign bacterial and viral invaders in the body. Having both our lymphatic + immune system working properly allowing our body to more easily and rapidly maintain homeostasis.

Chlorophyll and Liver Health

Since chlorophyll is a potent liver detoxifier, it can help combat the negative effects of alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals, and exogenous (ie:  birth control), by metabolizing them faster. Additionally if you drink coffee, eat non-organic produce or fish, it helps to reduce acidity in the blood and remove the toxins that these can present. All of the blood in the body passes through the liver via the portal vein, where it waits for all of the nutrients, hormones and toxins to be processed and metabolized for excretion. Chlorophyll aids in this detoxification process, allowing the liver to de-stress and not have to “overwork”. For example, we all love to unwind at the end of the day with a glass of wine, but alcohol actually increases estrogen levels in the body. Increased estrogen levels means the liver has to work overtime to bring down the additional influx of estrogen to a normal level, ultimately causing additive stress.

Anemia & Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll for plants is similar to blood for the human body; in fact they even share a similar molecular structure! Oxygen is constantly transported throughout our bodies by red blood cells in order to maintain and nourish our organs and tissues. Every one of our cells relies on oxygen, thus needing to be replenished often to keep up with all of our day-to-day activities. Chlorophyll aids in restoring and replenishing red blood cells (RBC) by increasing the availability of hemoglobin, a protein in RBCs needed for oxygen transport, which leads to increased body and brain functionality. 

As such, chlorophyll strengthens our body’s overall function and helps prevent anemia, a condition that results in a lack of RBCs and hemoglobin, by giving the body an ample amount of oxygen. By increasing our blood-oxygen levels, we are able to increase blood circulation to the heart and lungs naturally, helping with energy and exercise stamina. With more oxygen in the airway, we are able to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract which can also aid in allergies and help protect against frequent colds/flus. Traditional Chinese Medicine has used chlorophyll as treatment for lung support and respiratory distress due to it’s highly oxidative properties!

Chlorophyll for Skin

It is no surprise that with increased oxygen and blood flow, better and clearer skin will follow suit. Increased blood flow can reduce acne and slow down the aging process within your collagen matrix because it oxygenates and hydrates your skin to provide the necessary nutrients. Chlorophyll contains fat-soluble antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, K, as well as magnesium which are beneficial for skin repair. There are even topical chlorophyllin gels that can be applied to reduce acne and stimulate wound healing. This plant compound also can reduce inflammation and inhibit bacterial growth, which comes back to the increased stimulation and detoxification of the lymphatic system! Additionally, with loads of vitamin K, chlorophyll can clean and rejuvenate the adrenal glands to improve adrenal function! 

Chlorophyll & Body Odor

One of the most interesting benefits of chlorophyll is that it has natural deodorizing capabilities. Upon ingesting this powerful antioxidant, it absorbs into the bloodstream via the GI tract and gets to work purifying (or detoxifying) your blood. In addition, it binds heavy metals and other toxins that would otherwise release as odiferous sweat, and eliminates them rather as feces and urine. 

So if you are not having any luck with your deodorants or want to stop topical products altogether, try incorporating chlorophyll into your daily routine. It can be taken either in capsule form or liquid, just make sure to brush your teeth and wash your hands afterwards if you use a liquid, to avoid any staining. It takes usually a week for the benefits to kick in, just be patient. It truly is a game changer, and with so many other added health benefits other than alleviating body odor, it’s a no-brainer to add this to your daily routine. 

Taking Chlorophyll for Thyroid Health

The thyroid gland is responsible for regulating a variety of other hormones and maintaining a healthy metabolism. Diet, genetics, lifestyle factors and of course stress, can all play a role in offsetting the function of this gland. Chlorophyll has been shown to balance hormones and improve thyroid function. It helps regulate the hormones that prompt us to feel full, suppressing your appetite and decreasing insulin spikes throughout the day. When your blood sugar drops drastically, it makes you feel tired and has you craving sugary foods for quick energy. This is why supplementing chlorophyll can help aid in weight management and regulating food intake. Instead of seeking energy from low quality foods, when you better regulate blood sugar, you can naturally boost your energy levels!

So, Should I Take a Chlorophyll Supplement?

Overall, this powerful plant compound is jam packed with benefits. Chlorophyll enhances vitality by increasing flow of oxygen throughout the body, cleansing the body of toxins and boosting vitamins and minerals to prevent fatigue. It is not just the trendy green-colored water everyone is drinking, but a supplement that provides a major health boost! We recommend taking in the morning and throughout the day to increase and/or maintain energy levels, ie: before exercising. This plant powered oxygen can keep you energized and healthy and can be easily shipped to your home from Dr. Lana’s Online Dispensary!

Source link: by Lana Butner at